If a team would like to organise a non-Sunday fixture, then please do the following:

- Email duncan@it-brains.co.uk and club@rrufc.org advising what you intend to do.
- Information required will be:
- Which other team(s) are involved
- Which pitch you intend to play on
- Whether extra bar staff might be required
- Catering and Physio cover is not paid for by the section or provided by default as it would be on Sunday.
- If catering is required, please contact any of the official club caterers for a commercial conversation. They are:
- Moorgate Catering : http://www.moorgatecateringcompany.co.uk – Contact Vicky Hankinson 07910 842954
- Intelligent Pig : Contact Andrew O’Brien 07855 462234
- The Quirky Catering Company : https://quirkycatering.co.uk – Contact: Benjamin Boothman 01706 712649
- If a Physio is required, email duncan@it-brains.co.uk and we can enquire as to availability and options. This cost would also need to be met by the team
- If catering is required, please contact any of the official club caterers for a commercial conversation. They are:
When received, the date will provisionally be added to the Fixtures section of the website.
The club groundkeeping staff have a week to lodge an objection and check the Functions calendar for any clashes. If an objection is lodged, then the fixture will be assessed by the Vice Chair and Chairman of the Club for a final decision. After that point, cancellations will only happen if weather conditions or pandemics dictate.
As general guidance teams are highly recommended to avoid Friday night fixtures when the senior teams are playing at home the following Saturday, as this will significantly increase the likelihood of the game being approved.